Haruki Murakami, which consist of my 60% of English No.1
Here I would like to talk about the new book of Haruki Murakami. The most important thing is "how I can address it without addressing the contents itself." The author (not me, but Haruki Murakami) kept the contents in secret, so I also follow his intention.
But I am very happy to read it so early. If my native language is English, I can not enjoy it as the same language with original. My question is just why his novel is so popular all over the world which include islamic contries. I cannot forget that I showed "Kafuka in the sea" in Munich, one of my friend said that she also had that book.
One of his principles is "overcome the conventional value of Japanse literature". Maybe, the result of his principle is something common as a human being.
- 作者: 村上春樹
- 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
- 発売日: 2009/05/29
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 45人 クリック: 1,408回
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