Kalessin Action ― The Never Ending Endeavour ―




[追記あり]先日性懲りもなくMSNの記事をみていたらおやと思う記事をみつけました。 科学は誰のものか 書き手は竹内薫さん。 「ファインマン物理学」を読む 量子力学と相対論を中心として作者: 竹内薫出版社/メーカー: 講談社発売日: 2004/05/11メディア: 単…

An illusion called innocent world

I am (heavy) twitter user. Twitter help me to collect information though most of sources come from Japanese. Twitter is useful tool for simple discussion in Japanese. Japanese can contain more information within the limit of twitter than E…

Ultimate SNS - Facebook vs Twitter-

Thanks to the advancement of technology, we can enjoy SNS services with a large capacity of storage. We can share your daily photos, movies and diaries. Facebook is currently world wide standard SNS services, especially for people in unive…

Timing after endeavour of your life

The other day, Ryoko Tani, one of the famous Judo athletes in Japan won the Summer 2010 House of Councillors election. She is commonly known as 'Yawara-chan'. Since she won the International Women's Judo Championships in 1990, she has been…

Create? Criticize?

They say: There are two types of people in the world i.e. people who are good at creating or people who are good at criticizing. Good scientists should have both aspect. However, I still think this would be an appropriate category of peopl…

From a few hundreads years ago

These days, I often notice that history of country affect overall personality in society. Personality vary from people to people. On the other hand, some "common" aspects of people in a culture does exist. If you consider the origin of the…

Engineering and Science

These are often addressed as almost similar things. In fact, a few professor of my former department obtained PhD in science departments. Technology must be based on science. Therefore, Japanese sometimes do not distinguish them though the…

Take a risk, Increase your chance

It is often said that Japanese do not want to take risks. If an entrepreneur fails in Japan, they cannot try business again. As students can expect good education even in Japan, only a few students apply to graduate schools in USA. If you …

Death penalty and I

Do not worry. I never commit crime. The story begun when I was a primary school student. When I was as old as my adviser's children*1. At the time, I believed that the meaning of penalty is for punishment. However, basic concept was "educa…


本日(注:10日)僕の誕生日ということでみんながささやかながらお祝いしてくれました。Facebookに誕生日登録しているのでみなさんこっそり企画してくれたようです。 前世紀までは心置きなくお祝い出来たのですが、いかんせんこの日は9.11イブと日が極限に悪…

Law and Society in Japan

These days, a larger judicial reform project become a lot of news in Japan. I would like to introduce what is happening about judicial reform. Law school "The old Japanese bar exam" is one of the most difficult exams in Japan. As I wrote b…

Reading is learning

I often regret my bad custom when I was a junior high school student. One of the worst my custom at the days are:I did not read so much English.That was very important custom for English learners. Even if you get used to speak English, you…

Lucky? Unlucky?

"Japanese entrance examination" Can you imagine what it is ? It is very competitive like "the Imperial examinations" in China. In USA, the most important thing for academic carrier is the final schools or degree. However, that is the resul…

 Self-responsiblity for your life

A few days ago, a free journalist was released after kidnapped in late March. Kosuke Tsuneoka, 41, said on his Twitter account his abductors were not Taliban after his release. Taliban was thought that they conducted this issue but it was …

Why do you read papers?

When I was a junior high school student, I misunderstood about advancement of science. At the time, i liked to read biographies of scientists. When I read such biographies, I thought the advancement of science is done by outstanding inspir…

In the changing world

These days, the society is rapidly changing. The speed of change seems to be maximum in information technologies. I would like to write about the changes which I met before. 1) Monitor When I was a junior high school student, my parent bou…

Haruki Murakami, which consist of my 60% of English No.2

1Q84 BOOK 2作者: 村上春樹出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2009/05/29メディア: 単行本購入: 40人 クリック: 432回この商品を含むブログ (925件) を見るHaruki Murakami's latest novel.English version will be available in 2011 Since Kobe earthquake a…

True reward

“本当の報酬 (True reward)” by 為末大 (Dai Tamesue) The world of experts are highly competitive. They cannot survive only by talent. Strict self regulation or unthinkable continuous effort is highly required. Their physical and mental effor…

The most exciting thing in Japan, recently

The other day, my advisor said, "I guess that a lot of people are eliciting about the victory." Of course, he was saying about World cup. These days, every body are trying to see the game on time. In order to avoid students going outside o…

世界一熱い思い -IDDP(Iceland Deep Drilling Project)- [2]

前回大まかなことは紹介しました。今回はもう少し細かい話をしたいと思います。 このプロジェクトは従来型の地熱発電の出力の改善のみならず、より高精度な熱源評価による地熱発電の持続性の向上や、資源量の見直しをも含まれています。従来型の地熱発電は熱…