Kalessin Action ― The Never Ending Endeavour ―




引っ越し代やっぱり10万位はしそう。手続き関連(特にvisa)でも結構出費はあったな。 いつかちゃんとまとめておかないと。援助してくれた親や祖母に感謝。




I saw the movie with my family... But the movie seemed to be continued. To say honestly, I wanted to see another movie like the reader.My father love action movies, but I do not like it because they have not enough conversations.On the oth…


I dropped off my high school two days ago. I intended to visit there sercetly.However, the madeleines which I baked were served for the staff of the high school. I noticed that my madeleines provied the good topics of their conversations.E…




最近非常に暑い日が続くようになっております。 昨日は僕は夕方からぐったりしておりました。ご飯は、母が作っていたのかなと思ったら、どうも彼女もさぼっているようです。渡米前の3か月位とおもっていましたが、どうも甘やかしすぎたようです。まあ、朝は…

Dissolution of my cellphone

Today I dissoluted my cellphone. I tyied to stop it; however, the cost between stop and dissoluted was the same. In additin, if the period of the stop is more than a year, I can not use current number.The contract system of the cellphone w…

Preparation of health histry

The record of immunization of measles and parotitis is required by the UO health center. My mother kept the record in the maternity record book.; however, I decided to have a blood test for confirmation.Various kind of people come to USA, …

Inquiry of TA

Yesterday I e-mailed to a professor to ask about TA in the next Fall term. She replied the detail of the informaion with brief prospect of schedule. I was just glad to see the fundamental philosophy of survival in USA (If you want somethin…


One of the key for the success of PhD is "communication" with advisers. No one can deny it. The world of laboratory is small world. Of course, the advisers have been supervising for a lot of students and they get used to deal with communic…


昨日航空券の手配を済ませた。現在のところ燃料サーチャージがないので非常に安い。 いよいよ試合開始。

Writing papers


Recently, I am trying to write a paper which is about my previous work as a masterstudent.It seemes to take time than I expected. The same thing happened when I write my master thesis. Everytime I am confusing the structure or the detail o…


今日お昼位にvisaが届いた。…1週間位と踏んでいたのだが、ここまで速いのは計算外。 就労ビザと違って、身元が判明している人対象かつ学校が許可しているからあまり審査が厳しくないのか…あとは航空券。


昨日ようやくvisaをとるための面接を受けに大阪のアメリカ大使館に出かけた。結構みなさんいろいろなやり取りをなさっているのでどうするの だろうとドキドキして順番が来ると…「え〜、これは、すごいですね・・・PhDコースですか?」 「ええ、そうです」 (…





Haruki Murakami, which consist of my 60% of English No.1

Here I would like to talk about the new book of Haruki Murakami. The most important thing is "how I can address it without addressing the contents itself." The author (not me, but Haruki Murakami) kept the contents in secret, so I also fol…