Kalessin Action ― The Never Ending Endeavour ―


Do you like movie?

Going to see movie is a popular recreation worldwide. I think I do not love movies so much. I still like to go to see movie or see movie at home. One reason is for fun (unfortunately, you cannot pursue "interesting" in movies), second reason is for English, and third reason is the quality of movie.

Until when I was a junior high school student, Japanese movie was not so good. Recently, quality of Japanese movies is rapidly improved and succeeded as business.

In my opinion, the most important advancement for movies recently is, no doubt, computer graphic. It completely changed the expression of movies. For example, a lot of computer graphics are used for "The Lord of the Rings". Some people attempted to make its movie, but they cannot because of limitation of budget and expression. In such case, people attempted to make it as movie. Such things often occur in Japan. Recently, advancement of technology enable them to make good Manga into movie. Movie of manga in 90's are not popular. Their plurality was restricted to children because seeing Manga is not so popular at the time.

Audio system reflect advancement of technology significantly. If you want to study English essentially in Japan, Movies are one of the most important English resources. When I entered undergraduate school, I cannot listen to English well. Fortunately, you can use DVD with captions though you cannot see English captions by video tape. I love to see movie with Japanese captions in movie theater. You can enjoy movies with caption or translated though you cannot enjoy both in some countries.

Technology rapidly changing our life. Some people do not always like it. I still think the advancement expand our opportunity and chance to enjoyment. You may see something unthinkable things caused by advancement of technology in future.