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Is it fishy? homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine. It was originally proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, in which practitioners use highly diluted preparations. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by serial dilution with shaking by forceful striking, which homeopaths term succussion, after each dilution under the assumption that this increases the effect. Homeopaths call this process potentization. Dilution basically continues until none of the original substance remains.

Homeopathy's efficacy is unsupported by the collective weight of modern scientific research. The extreme dilutions used in homeopathic preparations usually do not leave any molecule of the original material in the final product. Water memory, the modern mechanism proposed by homeopaths, is implausible because of that short-range order in water only persists for about 1 picosecond. Pharmacological effect without active ingredients is inconsistent with the observed dose-response relationships of conventional drugs. Recently, homeopathy's efficacy is accepted as no less than placebo effects.

Unfortunately, it seems to be spread in Japan these days especially among pregnant women or even maternity nurses. Homeopahty causes a lot of troubles and finally, a baby died by lack of nutrition (vitamin K). There are a lot of alternative medications exist in Japan. However, because of these troubles, Medical society of Japan strongly criticized Homeopathy and declared to expel them from regular medical treatments.

"Traditional king of placebo" from wikipedia

Freedom of faith should be guaranteed by any condition. However, it should not be involved life of babiesor people who are not familiar with. If such method based on pesudoscience concept seems to expanding, it should be banned strictly or declaration of lack of scientific background must be known widely.