Kalessin Action ― The Never Ending Endeavour ―



世界一熱い思い -IDDP(Iceland Deep Drilling Project)- [2]

前回大まかなことは紹介しました。今回はもう少し細かい話をしたいと思います。 このプロジェクトは従来型の地熱発電の出力の改善のみならず、より高精度な熱源評価による地熱発電の持続性の向上や、資源量の見直しをも含まれています。従来型の地熱発電は熱…

Stairway to medicine

In my blog, I often discussed difference of USA and Japan. Maybe, Japanese medical system is one of the most different things from that of USA. Medical system in USA is one of a severe reality for people in USA, the world leading country o…

Medium Nuclear Power plant?

Since the beginning of nuclear power plants, they become controversial in Japan like other countries. Unfortunately, development of nuclear power plants is advanced worldwide in order to reduce carbon dioxide. Currently, development of nuc…




Responsibility as a expert

When I was a high school student, I could not imagine that I work as a seismologist. Fortunately, I really like current research. "Earthquakes" relate to the disaster mitigation. Therefore, the extent of knowledge sometimes affect lives of…

Googling world

When I was junior high school student, Internet search engines are not so good. Around late 90's, there is not so many web sites and quality of search engines makes finding web sites difficult. After Google, everything has changed. A few m…

Is it fishy? homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine. It was originally proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, in which practitioners use highly diluted preparations. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by serial dilution with shakin…

Does it cost?

Can we buy environment?Price of environment have been discussed for verifying. Some insist that environment is priceless and some believe environment have some cost. I think, environment can be estimated by cost. "Precious" can be evaluate…

As an expert, as a professional

I am not so interested in professional sports. I have, however, custom to check news about professional baseball games. My interest is very limited. "Whether Ichiro Suzuki had hit today?". Ichiro Suzuki, is a Major League Baseball right fi…

Real more than realistic

"Unrealistic" could be a key word to express some situation in Japan. 1) Unrealistic children The Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly is deliberating stronger regulations on publication which include content with sexual depictions of characters th…




If you know someone who can speak their mother tongue and your mother tongue, should you speak in their mother tongue? It is a tough question. If the person study our mother tongue as a foreign language, speaking in their language may spoi…

Paper or Paperless, that is a question

These days, influence of e-books by digital devices has been discussed in Japan. After release of iPad, the motivation of textbook was booming in consumer electronics industries. Merit and demerit are often discussed on twitter. Discussion…

Hey Dog.....

It has been said that the animals have mind. To some extent, that would be true. On the other hand, it may not be like human beings. In my opinion, some part of mind of human being consists of what you learn in your life. Animals do not ha…



Do you like movie?

Going to see movie is a popular recreation worldwide. I think I do not love movies so much. I still like to go to see movie or see movie at home. One reason is for fun (unfortunately, you cannot pursue "interesting" in movies), second reas…

DIfference between what I see and whate I read

The cover photo of TIME of this week was very shocking. A woman who lost her nose sit down on a floor. This was a tragedy of the woman who attempted run away from her husband and her in-lows. They abused her and she had no choice to leave.…

Urban Legend in JAPAN

1)Handwriting CV Oh my holy God! Can you imagine "handwriting CV"? I cannot believe such ridiculous types of applications "widely" exist in Japan. People who strongly believe its existence insist that handwriting CV means that the applican…




最近なかなかブログの筆が進まなかったのですが、研究が佳境であるためです。 実は数ヶ月前から今使っている解析ソフトの理解不能な挙動に悩まされておりました。担当教官は僕の使い方がおかしいからだろうからちゃんと検討するようにとおっしゃっていました…


These days, by the advancement of technology, we enjoy very useful information technology in our works. Recently, the latest advancement of technology significantly affect my research life, which I do not know how long will it take. The ex…

Who is your greatest hero?

Every history have their back ground and every culture has their own heroes. May be, a lot of people say, RYOMA SAKAMOTO(1836-1867) I guess only a few people know this name in US. Currently, TV drama is broadcasted on TV. He played a very …


独立記念日@7月4日 エイリアンからの自立を勝取った、アメリカの祝日で最も大切な日の一つです。この日は大概みなさん家でBBQと花火を楽しむようです。USAでは花火はどちらかというとこの日専用(?)のような趣があります。 幸いなことに僕も某クラスメート…




みなさんはトドという単語をご存知だろうか。といっても某絶滅危惧種とは違う。 これは、トドです。(Wikipedia トド より。)トドというのは、To Doをもじったネットスラングのことだ。よく仕事をやることをtwiterなんかで"トド撃ち"と形容する。かつてネット…


USA生活の代名詞は ゴハンのマズさ です。これは個人的にはもう語り尽くされた感が否めませんが、語り尽くされたからこそ、このあまりにもシンプルな日本人留学生の精神を蝕む要素の神々しさが際立ってきていると言っていいでしょう(意味不明)。 こちらのゴ…


もう僕の祖父が他界してから6年にもなる。88だったから今もし生きていれば94。もうどうころんでも無理な年齢である。一体に死児の齢を数える愚というが死んだ祖父の齢を数える話は聞いたことがないのは、僕がよほど愚かだからだろう。 僕の父方の祖父は、僕…

Between Creativity and Imitation part 2

The previous story has important implication for programming. If you develop a software, especially for science, you should make it thoroughly. In order to develop "good code", you need to follow these two simple rule. a) learn hot to use …


先日は日本の地熱開発について非常に悲観的な記事をアップしました。...が、全般的にはそうではないようです。 地熱発電:旧環境庁通知を見直し 自然保護との両立検討へ 環境省によると、地熱発電所のうち10カ所は国立・国定公園内にあり、6カ所に限定し…

Between Creativity and Imitation part 1

Be Creative! "These days, students get used to using others' program and do not know internal functions!" This sentence was told by my previous advisor, who made a three-dimentional numerical model of hydrothermal system 20 years ago. If y…